Frequently Asked Questions

  • Cost can vary. We are in-network with most major medical insurance providers, and we also have cash rates available. Give us a call for a free consultation.

  • Yes! We can treat the whole family.

  • The needles used when performing acupuncture are very thin, like a cat’s whisker. Most people will not even feel the needle being inserted.

Prenatal Chiropractic Care Frequently Asked Questions

  • Yes, chiropractic care is safe during pregnancy. Dr. Andrews uses the Webster’s Technique, a gentle, prenatal specific adjustment. There is no “cracking” of the joints (a common follow up question). If you are experiencing any complications during your pregnancy, you must get an approval from your Physician, OBGYN or midwife prior to beginning care.

  • Our bodies undergo many changes with pregnancy. Some of these changes include growing belly causing an increase in low back curve, postural adaptations and pelvis transformation. In a perfect world, we would lift properly, have perfect posture and get plenty of rest. Since this is highly unlikely, Chiropractic care allows us to achieve balance.

  • Generally, all chiropractors are able to treat pregnant patients, as most have received some training in school. We highly recommend seeing a Webster Certified chiropractor like Dr. Michelle Andrews who has the advanced prenatal chiropractor training as recommended by the ICPA . If you are not in our area, you can find one through the ICPA provider locator.

  • Prenatal chiropractic care can help manage the stress of pregnancy on a woman's body, including helping round ligament pain, postural changes (sore back), and general discomfort.

  • Yes, chiropractic care is considered safe and beneficial for pregnant women. During pregnancy, misalignments in the spine and pelvis can cause pain, limited mobility, poor baby positioning, etc. Chiropractic adjustments aim to realign the back and pelvis, which can help by:

    - Allowing more room and better positioning for the baby

    - Reducing back/hip pain

    - Improving ability to stay active with less fatigue/discomfort

    - Promoting proper communication between the nerves, uterus, hormones

    - Shortening labor and facilitating an easier birth process

    Multiple studies show chiropractic patients have significantly shorter labor times compared to non-treatment groups. Reviews report 50-75% of pregnant chiropractic patients have easier, quicker deliveries. So regular alignments provide comfort, support mobility, and help prepare a woman's body for the demands of pregnancy and childbirth.

  • The International Chiropractic Pediatric Association recommends that expectant mothers seek chiropractors who are Webster Certified for specialized prenatal care.

  • Chiropractic care focuses on alignment of the spine and pelvis. During pregnancy, a woman's body goes through immense changes and added weight/pressure, which can throw the skeletal structure out of balance. This is especially true late in pregnancy when the baby is largest.

    It's believed that imbalances in the pelvis can constrict the uterus and birth canal, while alignment allows more room for the baby to move through the birth canal. Some research has linked these imbalances to longer labor times and increased chance of dystocia (slow/difficult labor) (1).

    Specific findings include:

    Reviews report 50-75% of pregnant chiropractic patients have shorter, easier labors (1).

    So through better alignment and mobility, chiropractic adjustments may facilitate an easier, quicker birth process.



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