Why Prenatal Chiropractic Care?
The main goal of prenatal chiropractic care is to improve pelvic balance. When there is joint restriction within the pelvis, the ligaments that connect the pelvis to the uterus increase their tension resulting in distortion to the uterine space. Imagine sleeping in a bed with someone sitting on the top sheet right next to you. Can you move freely? Probably not. For the baby, the surrounding walls of the uterus tighten with pelvic imbalance, becoming like the bed sheet which leads to restriction of motion. The chiropractic adjustment releases tension to the ligaments and joints within the pelvis, ultimately improving pelvic balance. This will often lead to the baby being able to move more freely and a more comfortable expectant mother.
There are many benefits of receiving chiropractic care while trying to conceive, during pregnancy and postpartum. It can help:
● Reduce C-Section Rates — one small study shows that the Webster Technique has a high success rate of relieving musculoskeletal causes of intrauterine constraint, allowing baby to be in ideal positioning for labor.
● Shorten Labor Times — one study showed that first time moms’ labor was shortened by 25% and 2nd time moms’ was shortened by 31%.
● Provide Pain Relief
● Reduce the Symptoms of Nausea
● Decrease Recovery Time Following Birth
Meet Dr. Michelle Andrews
Doctor of Chiropractic
Dr. Michelle Andrews has spent years providing compassionate, chiropractic care during pregnancy to hundreds of pregnant women in their journey from expectant mothers to postnatal patients and beyond.
Dr. Andrews is Webster Technique certified from the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association and is an active member of the American Chiropractic Association, Forward Thinking Chiropractic Alliance, International Chiropractic Pediatric Association, and the Junior League of Oklahoma City.
Book Your Visit with Dr. Andrews Now
Frequently Asked Questions About Prenatal Chiropractic Care
Yes, Chiropractic is safe during pregnancy. We utilize the Webster’s Technique, a gentle, prenatal specific adjustment. There is no “cracking” of the joints (a common follow up question. If you are experiencing any complications during your pregnancy, you must get an approval from your Physician, OBGYN or midwife prior to beginning care.
We see a variety of patients ranging from working women and men, to prenatal and moms.
Cost can vary. We are in-network with most major medical insurance providers, and we also have cash rates available. Give us a call for a free consultation.
Our bodies undergo many changes with pregnancy. Some of these changes include growing belly causing an increase in low back curve, postural adaptations and pelvis transformation. In a perfect world, we would lift properly, have perfect posture and get plenty of rest. Since this is highly unlikely, chiropractic care allows us to achieve balance.
All chiropractors are able to treat pregnant patients, as most have received some training in school. We highly recommend going to one that is Webster Certified — the advanced prenatal training. If you are not in our area, you can find one at https://icpa4kids.com/find-a-pediatric-chiropractor/
The needles used when performing acupuncture are very thin, like a cat’s whisker. Most people will not even feel the needle being inserted.
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