Adjustments Using Spinal Manipulation

Woman Receiving Spinal Manipulation Chiropractic Care

Spinal Manipulation in OKC

Are you experiencing chronic pain, especially in your lower back, neck, and shoulders? Do you frequently have headaches? Are you under a lot of stress lately?

If your answer to any of these questions is a resounding “yes,” then visiting a chiropractor may be in your best interests.

Getting a spinal adjustment from an experienced chiropractor can relieve your aches and pains without the need to rely on constant medications or stressful and invasive procedures. Accelerate your healing and improve your overall health with the help of a trusted Oklahoma City chiropractor.

Book an appointment today.

The Purpose of Chiropractic Spinal Adjustment

Chiropractic adjustments are performed to reduce chronic and acute pain, resolve joint inflammation, and restore joint function. There are many chiropractic adjustment techniques used to achieve these goals.

One common technique is spinal manipulation.

The goal of chiropractic spinal adjustments is to restore joint function and ease tension. Spinal manipulation or spinal manipulative therapy uses controlled thrusts in order to achieve these goals.

Your chiropractors may use a device or simply their hand to push spinal joints to restore optimal function. Manually realigning your spine releases pressure not only on the joint but the surrounding muscles and tissues. The action helps relieve pain, reduce inflammation, and return your former range of motion.

Spinal manipulation is a common alternative treatment for the following conditions:

  • Lower back pain

  • Neck pain

  • Shoulder pain

  • Scoliosis

  • Sciatica

Aside from musculoskeletal problems, getting a chiropractic spinal adjustment can also help with the following issues:

  • Headaches

  • High blood pressure

  • Menstrual cramps

  • Vertigo or dizziness

In general, the purpose of a spinal adjustment is to help you feel better, improve your overall health, and boost your body’s physical function.

What To Expect From Your Adjustment Session

At our chiropractic office in Oklahoma City, patients receive the best possible chiropractic care. Our highly-trained chiropractors use modern techniques and tools to improve your overall well-being and enhance your life.

We understand how trying something new, especially something you might not be familiar with yet can make people nervous. That is why we do our best to explain and walk you through what to expect from your chiropractic appointment.

Initial Examination

Prior to your adjustment session, our Dr. Andrews will sit down with you for a consultation to have a full understanding of your health, and your needs.

Initial consultations generally revolve around discussing your condition, health history, and goals. If your goal regarding a chiropractic spinal adjustment is to relieve pain, you may be asked questions such as:

  • Where do you feel the pain?

  • When do you feel the pain?

  • How did the pain start or what caused it?

  • What kind of pain do you feel? Is it throbbing, sharp, dull, or searing?

  • Is the pain continuous or does it repeatedly come and go?

  • Are there any activities that help reduce the pain?

  • Are there any activities that make it worse?

All patients also undergo a physical exam during the initial consultation. In some cases, Dr. Andrews may order medical imaging when necessary. 

During the Adjustment Session

Most spinal manipulation is conducted on a padded, adjustable chiropractic table. Depending on the adjustment technique used or the part of the body is adjusted, parts of the table may be dropped to help ensure both your comfort and the effectiveness of the thrust.

Most spinal manipulation sessions are done with patients lying face down on the table. Based on your physical examination, Dr. Andrews will start to use her hands to apply firm and quick thrusts.

As your joints are pushed, inducing motion out of your usual range of motion, you may hear loud popping noises. Although they may sound alarming, these noises are not a cause for concern. The sounds are similar to the sound you might make while cracking your knuckles.

The popping and cracking sound your joints make are simply due to the release of air. As your joints realign in their normal position, the pressure in between the joints drops. This causes a bubble of gas to get released — which causes a loud popping sound.

Learn More About Spinal Manipulation From Our OKC Chiropractor 

Spinal manipulation is a safe and documented technique. It is used to treat chronic pain and help restore your body’s natural balance. Dr. Andrews has helped many individuals find relief from back pain.

If you would like to learn more about spinal manipulation and other chiropractic adjustment techniques, call ChiroHer at 405-213-1072 or visit our contact page.

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